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A mixture spills out of the filter, what to do?

Contact the seller from whom you have purchased the filter, replace it with a new one. The pouring out of the mixture from the filter may be caused by inadequate welding of the elements during production. This happens very rarely, but despite the improvement of production lines, there may be isolated instances of incorrectly connected filters. ...

What’s in the filter composition?

The filter mixture is different for standard and alkaline filters. In AquaMax and AquaClassic filters, the bed is silver impregnated activated carbon and ion exchange resin. AquaPro filters in addition to the aforementioned ingredients contain mineral and ceramic deposits, which allow water to be alkalized and reduce the ORP level. ...

What are the differences between the filter models?

They are three types of filters are available: AquaMax and AquaClassic – standard filters remove chlorine and limestone; AquaPro are alkalizing filters, raise the pH of water and reduce ORP. Each filter type is designed for a different kind of jug, AquaPro filters fit only into Wessper AquaPro jugs, while AquaClassic and AquaMax match jugs of ...

How to use a water filter jug?

1. Wash the jug with a mild detergent every time you replace the filter. 2. Unpack the filter from the foil and soak it in water for 10-15 minutes. 3. Place the filter in the jug. 4. Fill the jug with water and then pour out the filtered water. Repeat the process 2-3 times to clean the filter. 5. Set the filter wear indicator. 6. The water filter jug is ...